
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Of Mundan and Mundane

Yeah !! What a zing when things so far unrelated get related by rhythm and phonemes...
Of Mundan first,
My seven month old daughter was shaved bald on last month just as she was about to complete her seventh month on the planet. And she had a real cool hairstyle till then - like Beckham - hair curling up from both sides into a cute little nape right in the middle. And then - all gone !! Tsk Tsk Tsk... couldn't take it I say. But thanks to the blessings of babaji, not a tear was shed. We were all so scared that she would cry herself hoarse and dry but she turned out to be more mature than all of us. So, I checked up the internet, like every sceptic rational being of my generation, that why do we have to go through this pain. It turned out - and was confirmed severally - that shaving the head is symbolic of letting go the memories and residual conscience from one's past life !! Ahem... ok !! makes sense... not much but at least I have some explanation to put my mind to rest.
So much for Mundan.
As for the Mundane, that's everything else in my life right now that does not overlap with my daughter's life. You know, coding, con-calls, checking mails, blogging... and all the usual blah. There is just too much time I seem to have on my hand these days. There is lots of exciting things I think I should be doing but just cannot bring myself to S-T-A-R-T any of them.
Anyways, wifey calls... time to go and catch RNBDJ... let's see what SRK is upto this time !!
Sorry Sipul, first time mom-dad are leaving you with Nani for their own good...

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