Just wanted to touch upon life for families at ISB - I think since bachelors mostly have most of the time and energy needed for bloggering/twittering, the selection bias sets in about how life @ ISB is described.
ISB is not a very big campus. But whatever there is, is beautifully maintained - unlike huge junglee campuses of most other institutes that have been pampered with lavish land layouts by the government but have never taken horticulture or ethos seriously. The monsoon (monfoon?) season is on here in Hyderabad and I'm sure my fellow bloggers have posted awesome pics from their EOS-300s elsewhere. But the hands-on experience of it has poor substitutes. The flora is just mind-blowing. Last week my wife and I spent more than an hour just looking at some of the most beautiful patterns in flowers we had ever seen. The latest erection on campus - aka hostel SV4 - has taken this even further. The horticulturist for this hostel deserves an additional pat on the back for the sheer variety of his implantations - I wish I were a naturologist or something so I could take some names here; but basically, in each kutcha section, the variety of plants is different. The other SVs (1-2-3) have more open spaces but they are largely grass. They also have better landscaping so having parties in the open are a better proposition in the older SVs. But SV4 is different - it is much more pleasing to the eyes.
The kind of activities spouses here keep doing is just amazing. I am having my doubts about my wife's intentions in pushing me for a business venture - ISB will allow me to stay longer on campus - is she motivated by that? Just last week we had a dance competition @ ISB and the spouses put up their own show - and they were better than the competing teams. really.
Then there are trips organized to various picnic and historical places in Hyderabad. Thanks to the awesome (and free) bus service to all main parts of Hyderabad, it is totally hassle free for kids and wives to tag along and have a day of fun (while their husbands slog their asses off)
There is a wellness center - a sort of a mini-hospital run by Apollo on campus. The clinic on campus is suave (like a 98.4 degree - if u've seen one) and the doctors visiting are the seniormost in their fields in Hyderabad (did I say they are also free?)
Believe me there is much more than I can type out here - so if you need more details, drop me a line at my personal email.
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