
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Email Faux Pas

Most of the times I send out emails, it ends in a big faux pas. I think I need help!
Sample this (a poem I wrote for a section mate in all good humor. The actual name has been changed to XYZ. But someone tell me even if I sent out with the actual name, is it offensive ?)
Here’s to my friend and Section F’s superstar – XYZ

Dunking in the pool divine
Peeking so your answers are mine
Sleep at nine wake up at nine
Pay for the year and never dine

Dealing with Mr. D the swine
The sucker with a mask benign
Digging ourselves into a hole
Flood with booze and come out all fine

Make him lose the knowledge he hath
CP the prof to his death
Blabber all in a single breath
Such legends of arbitness do we bequeath

XYZ you shall not live any more
Your CP has made our ears so sore
Cant believe any one could be such bore
“DUNK HIM! DUNK HIM?”……Do I hear an encore ??

And please don’t ask who’s Mr. D. I’m not telling.
Please help me how to change myself.

1 comment:

Sipul said...

in the class today the instructor asked if there are any poets in the class - I was shocked to find people looking my way. What (in)famy can one poem bring to you !!!