
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

3rd term @ ISB

The basic course in Corporate Finance is all about NPV based project and bond valuation and the implications of capital structure of a firm, mainly the deb-equity ratio. It is a great course and the best part is the online companion site We just need to do 50% of the questions to get full marks and surely the idea is to make you revise the concepts rather than test you. More than that, the instructor gives great flexibility in alloting weights to grading components. The cases are a bit hard for non-accountants - but long live the study group :-)

Managerial Accounting and Decision Making is nothing but common sense. The hard part is once again the cases where you have to apply the common sense. Problem is, in real life cases, the theorems or equations are not complex; what is complex is the situation itself - with so many numbers.

Operations Management is also not as quant as it sounds. It is also mostly common sense, especially for those who have been in queues waiting to get serviced. A few equations and lots of assignments.

The worst course is Entrepreneurship (relatively speaking). It is a fun experience but the takeaways are a bit hazy. You dont really know what you learnt from the class, if anything at all. But you get to know a lot of interesting stories. It could have been even better had the instructor not been so serious and overbearing. There are no exams in this course and 50% of the grades come from a paper you got to right in the end; that's just another story - and this time YOU have to write it :-)

All in all a fun term - but not as much fun as Term 1. Nothing beats the like of Mark Finn, John Zhang, Bruce Allen and Piyush Kumar... they're just inimitable. In Term 2 the only guy I liked was Milind Sohoni - damn cool, damn cute and damn intelligent

damn this post is long and boring now
damn it its almost 6 AM now

damn you.... bugger... reader... whoever !!

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