
Friday, January 09, 2009

Oil and Trucks

From Pitampura to DLF Phase 3 I pass through some 15 odd petrol pumps (at least) and today morning only 3 of them were open. In all three the queues were prohibitively long and though I did not have a full tank, I gave up the idea of actually queuing up and filling up - would have eaten up at least half an hour of the valuable morning commute.
In the evening when I had some time at hand those 3 had also been sucked dry. But before I could start planning for a fuel depraved weekend, news poured in that the strike had been called off. Phew !! Have an important lunch to go to tomorrow (today) afternoon and without a car logistics would've been tough to figure.
News also says that the government is pretty hard on the trucker's strike and that government is going to run trucks on its own !! I wondered, where on earth would they get trucks from ? And got my answer soon enough - they would impund trucks of the striking truckers and drive them themselves !! Ha !! So much for democracy. But I cant be judgmental about the whole thing you know. Who knows who's right and who's wrong. Who knows which truck union leader's palms were greased by which opposition party MP to time the strike just before the elections - or not. Who knows whether the unanimous support for the strike is not a facade covering wailing hungry babies in some truck driver's shack ? No One. At least not me. And as long as I dont know, I cant judge. I support the Congress though, and I think they are good (and more experienced) at shepherding the country in times of crisis. Over the past 5 years our sweet little serdie has seen HUGE crises - and I swear I love the way he guided us all through them. So Dr. Singh, you have my vote again - just make sure you dont give tickets to asinine gentlemen from my constituency and make my life difficult.

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